Beit Hinenu Adult Classes

Sign up to take a class with Hinenu. Most classes are hybrid in person and on Zoom, or Zoom only. Classes are open to everyone, you need not be a member to learn with us!

(Re-)Introduction to Israel/Palestine

Tuesdays at 8-9:30m | April 30-May 28 | Zoom

Taught by Jeremy Siegman, presented by Synagogues Rising Network.

Omer Practice Group

First class: Wednesday April 24 | 6pm
Following classes: Tuesday April 30-June 11 | 6pm
All classes are hybrid

The Omer period counts seven weeks between the second night of Passover to Shavuot. Gather weekly to study the Kabbalistic trait of each week and develop personal practices for the counting.

Diving Into Judaism

Fall 2024-Winter 2025 | Hybrid

18 week introduction to Judaism course taught by Rabbi Ariana.