Beit Hinenu Youth Programs

Beit Hinenu (BH) serves youth ages 0-18 through meaningful engagement of Jewish practice and learning. We are committed to providing inclusive, accessible programming that allows full participation for all. We are a community that uplifts queer and trans identities, Jews by choice, multifaith families, Jews of color, and students with disabilities.

Registration for the 5785 (2024-2025) school year will be live in June 2024!

  • Picture of a white child with gigantic blue eyes in a strawberry costume stares at the camera.

    Tot Shabbat

    Tot Shabbat meets on the first Shabbat morning of the month from 11:15-12pm, and joins the downstairs service for kiddush and motzi. Tot Shabbat features song, stories, and singing “Hinei Mah Tov” under a parachute tent!

  • Four white children and an adult, all wearing masks, gather around a basket of dried flowers.

    Shabbat School

    Shabbat School meets on the second Shabbat morning of the month from 9:30-11am for elementary aged students. In 5784 we’re getting ready for the holidays by creating ritual items and art. (Registration required for this program.)

  • Two black children and a parent are elbows deep in slime making. The children are wearing Hannukah shirts. And elder stands in the background. Everyone is wearing masks.

    Holiday programs

    Celebrate holidays together with music, dancing, story, and art making! Check out our calendar for upcoming celebrations.

  • A group of people stand in a circle illuminated by the glow of a havdallah candle.

    B'nei mitzvah

    B’nei mitzvah work 1-1 with tutors and Rabbi Ariana to prepare to chant from Torah, teach their community, and step into Jewish adulthood. Be in touch to talk more!